I'm Kind of a Big Deal. Just FYI.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


So my day today pretty much involved driving to Twin Falls, Idaho...where the closest best buy is. It was one and a half hours each way, so it was a nice opportunity to clear my head, call my friends, and listen to music.

Of course, while I was running errands in town...I did find a few minutes to pick up some new clothes for myself (what?? I didn't pack enough professional clothes for the upcoming event at the end of July...leave me alone!). The funny thing was, when I came home there were comments on how impressed they were and how speedy I was. Good thing I always go over the speed limit :)

Also, I didn't get lost...aside from the time I wasn't sure if the street I was going down was the correct one because the street changed it's name like 5 times. Damn you, whoever planned the Idahoan road system!

Driving is kind of my form of meditation. While I was driving I was reflecting on my life. Surprisingly, with all the times the shit has hit the fan...I have a pretty fantastic life. I've always had good jobs...despite the laying off...I was able to complete college without student loans and minimal help from my parents, I had the amazing opportunity to study in London and intern at an incredible PR company, and now I'm living my dream of a job that affords me the opportunity to travel and then some. So basically if I ever complain about my life from now on...please feel free to kick me.

Ooh...got to cook again tonight. Made some yummy mango salsa and tofu tacos, which surprisingly tasted like a vegan version of the Taco Bell meximelt...mmm.

I'm finally taking the time to watch movies at night. Last night I watched "The Apartment" It was good...a little depressing, but who doesn't love Jack Lemmon? I certainly do! Tonight I think I'm going on a date with Cary Grant and partaking in a little "To Catch a Thief" action. Gotta love this huge video library (all VHS randomly, but it was inherited by the past owner who was on the Academy Awards board).

So in the next two days there is 1 exciting thing and 1 sad thing. We'll start with sad...it'll be the fourth of July. I don't know what our plans are, but I do know my urban family is having a BBQ and Samantha "Saucy Bimbo" Loveira is making vegan "short ribs." How the hell am I missing that?? Not complaining, just shedding a few tears. No kicking necessary.

The cool thing is Saturday the guy who the character in "Pursuit of Happiness" is based on is coming over. Pretty cool. I thoroughly enjoy people who thrive even when life throws them garden burgers that you later find out have cheese in them. Ok, so that's just something that pisses me off, but you get the idea :)

Miss you all!! Be sure to check out your favorite gnomes letters to each other at www.agnomeawayfromhome.blogspot.com


Samantha said...

The Apartment is AMAZING! I love that movie so much. Shirley MacLaine played some messed up characters, no? Have you ever seen The Children's Hour? That's awesome and depressing too. AND it has Audrey Hepburn which is always a point in my book.

And I must say, I totally snorted a hysterical snort when I read that Gardenburger bit. You, my dear Sarah, are a very funny lady.

Oh, and keep your eyes out for a barbeque saucy fed ex package coming your way.

Sares said...

Omg! That's the one where they are lesbian teachers! I haven't seen it, but I am very familiar.

I hope there isn't bbqed food in my package since I won't be home for a month :)

Unknown said...

I told you, you wouldn't get lost ;-) btw, are you using a hands free device to talk on the phone while you're working on finding your way around town?