I'm Kind of a Big Deal. Just FYI.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Captain's Log, Stardate 070108: The Starship Sarahprise has encountered a watery disaster. After preparing a yummy chili dinner, I had somewhat of a sweet tooth. So I raided the cupboard and found some kettle korn! After popping the delicious sweet and savory treat, I began to walk back to my room when I encountered a large puddle on the floor...I ran to Liz's room (the current pa) and pulled her out to help me deal with what I thought was a small leak, but was, in fact, a flood of sorts.

We rolled are pants up and laughed hysterically as we explored that vast reaches of the flood, whose origins were a unused toilet in the hallway. How this overflowing of the toilet started, we shall never know. It's kinda like the whole tootsie pop phenomenon.

We ended up laying towels and towels everywhere and the Mrs. came down and plunged the toilet. I was up for it...I was the only one who knew how to turn the water off too, but the Mrs. did just fine. 

*I did take pictures of this, but I don't have my USB cord...sorry*
At some point today, I also told her that I ultimately wanted to live in a commune. The idea of being self sustaining seems fantastic; however, I contemplated some and decided it probably wouldn't work for me as I probably wouldn't be able to have access to soy vanilla lattes or Youtube. That might be too much for me.

I've also suddenly had this science fiction craving. I want to re-read A.E. Merritt's "Dwellers In The Mirage" and Douglas Adam's "The Long, Dark Teatime of the Soul" as well as the Dragons of Pern series (well at least the first trilogy). I think I may be a nerd. I blame Samantha and Vanessa. Sorry guys, but you nerded me!

On another weird note, I had to contact someone about dictating a letter and sending a dvd out to someone. Well, he was welcoming me and being super nice, but the welcoming keeps going on and on even after the task at hand was completed. It started with where was I from. What do I like to do in San Diego (he does stand up comedy on the weekend, which I am extremely jealous of). Oh you like movies and live music, me too. He's actually was an actor but now he is a sitcom writer. What are your favorite movies. I told him a few. Then he told me his since I asked. Then this last e-mail asked "What movie is best representative of your personality?" WHAT? REALLY?? How do I answer that?? I think I'm going with Little Miss Sunshine. Any suggestions?? 

Anyway, that's all for now. You lucky kids...two blogs in one day. It's like Christmas!! Christmas in July no less!!

Captain Sarah R. Hollander, of the United Federation of Shoe Whores, Captain of the Starship Sarahprise, recording.


Samantha said...


You got toilet water on your feet. Ew.

And I'm sorry, sweetheart, but you're a nerd from way back. Don't go pointing your nerdy little finger at me. =-)

Miss you and look forward to hearing of more totally random adventures.

Sares said...

Samantha is a nerdle.