I'm Kind of a Big Deal. Just FYI.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Surburban Hell

If getting laid off twice in three months time wasn't enough to do me in, moving back to my parent's house could just be enough to push me over the edge.

I have successfully pissed my dear mother off in a variety of ways...whether it be dropping a spot of water on the floor because I didn't dry my hands, or bringing a drink into my bedroom or just not rinsing the shower down after I used it. Perhaps, they should fix their tub that backs up into a lovely lake around my legs every time I shower. Just a thought.

I am totally in suburban hell, right down to the fact that Rancho Bernardo is an unbearably hot senior citizen wasteland. Palm Springs may have been up to 120 degrees on certain days, but at least we had air conditioning. Modern man was not meant to brave these heat spells on his own. When society causes us to be dependent on climate controlling luxuries...we should invest in them!!

There was a return to cooking; however, there was a kitchen Nazi known as mommy dearest hovering over me. There are indeed rules to the kitchen as well. I was being a dutiful daughter and offered to share some of my lovely mushroom & butternut squash risotto with the fam, but of course, Pop Rocks couldn't have any because the broth contains onions. Ridiculous! And don't even get me started on how said risotto would have been a thousand times better had I been able to locate some nutritional yeast in this devil's den known as the suburbs!!

I am actively looking for jobs, but working no longer seems fun. Instead, I do believe I would be content to sit in bed all day and stare longingly at my new barista doll...thank you Saucy Samantha. In fact, maybe we could make a documentary out of it called "Sares and the Real Boy."

It has been made apparent that this time must be used for forward moving (or moving gaily forward. Seriously, Michael told our taxi driver not to go straight, but to proceed gaily forward. Sunshine, shut the hell up...I do not want to be shot by disgruntled taxi driver who already hates us!), finding my new niche and general self improvement. So, I think I want to learn how to play the gee-tar. Perhaps become an instant star? He he he he. But, really...I could see me as a guitar wielding vixen who plays in coffee shops a la Phoebe.

Anyway, my hip hip horrayness at being home is being somewhat crushed by this temporary housing sitch. Def. woken up by loud ass gardener this morning. My dad watches "Lovejoy" every second he is home...and he is borderline deaf, so no matter what I'm doing I end up being forced into the escapades of Lovejoy as well. My mom has made my old bedroom into a present wrapping room...so there is hardly anywhere to unpack. I basically have a dresser full of clothes in my dad's office. My toiletries are jam packed into a tiny space because my old bathroom is being used for cell phone equipment and candle storage. Awesome! I know it's not my house and it's nice they are letting me stay, but still it is somewhat of a headache.

I am escaping this blast into the past tonight since Vanzel is being AMAZING as usual and letting me stay at her place. I should be down in Hillcrest for a few nights this week. I believe the combination of Vans, Sammers, Stephys & my cooking prowess should result in some fantastical meals this week. Yummers.

Signing off!

The Unemployed, Homeless and Overheating in Suburban Hell....Sares

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