I'm Kind of a Big Deal. Just FYI.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

The Fourth of Jealousy

Just read Samantha's blog and started to cry because I miss everyone :( And she even superimposed my head. I wish I had been there...instead I ate a veggie hot dog with rice cheese which of course has casein, but I didn't want to say anything because they were so nice to go out of their way to get that for me. I am guilted into doing non-vegan things...lame.

Today I woke up and did the usual. TR said I looked pretty in red, and then everyone else said how nice I looked. It made me happy :) We went to town to run some errands. The supermarket featured a lovely man walking by me who suddenly stopped and said "fucking bitch." Then walked over to some woman and started going off on her, she in turn went off on him and kept calling him "dude." This pissed him off to the point where he said "Stop fucking calling me dude. All you people come out here and ruin it for us!!" Apparently she had lived there almost her whole life...so it's really the crazy Californians like me who ruin small town Idaho.

We came back to drop off groceries. I had a buttload of stuff in my hand and as I walked in Missy-O was trying to run out. So I was trying to block her and couldn't catch the door, which slammed shut...while the deadbolt was open. Seriously? F me! F me! I broke the damn front door. Called locksmith, who couldn't come back til later.

Was told to go into town and relax. Liz and I went to a bookstore. Very infuriating experience. They did not have Russell Brand's autobiography "My Booky Wook." Unacceptable! I need that asap. They had NOTHING by by Christopher Moore and I really want to read "Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff." And they only had two Chuck Palahniuk books...one of which I had already read. Is it too much to ask for "Invisible Monsters" to be available in a freakin bookstore? So, I settled on "The Omnivore's Dilemma," which seems to be a good read thus far. I should mention I'm still reading "Enduring Love" and "The Fountainhead," but hey! variety is the spice of life!!

While on the subject of books, my apologies Samantha "saucy bimbo" Loveira...I don't know what I was thinking when I said you should read "Flowers in the Attic."

So I went to the local coffee shop "Tullys," which lacks beautiful, greasy baristas in tight pants with medical phenomenons happening down south (and by that, I don't mean where extra length would be helpful), but serves a pretty decent iced soy vanilla latte.

Read a bit...then had to head home to meet the locksmith. On the way home a car full of boys was blocking the road. Then they started driving at us and waving us to stop. Liz stopped and then sped off...she was like I'm not stopping for a car full of boys when it's just two of us in the middle of no where. Then she said her mom would be so proud of her. Apparently, we have the same mom :) Reminded me of the time I got a flat at 12:30 am on my way home to Vista (loooong time ago) I called AAA then I called my dad and made him drive out because tow truck drivers are always so freaky. Unfortunately, a young, cute boy came. Bollocks!

Anyway, locksmith came. Door eventually got fixed. Made fun of myself a good ten times while he fixed it. 

Anyway, that's my update. Miss everyone. Love the superimposing of me in pictures. 

I will leave you with some sexiness known as Russell Brand to get you through the days without me. Although I am sad, I do feel even worse for all of you. It is extremely tragic that no matter how hard people try, they can never be as cool as me...and now that's lacking in your daily lives. Ha ha ha...haven't said that in so long!! XOXOXO 

1 comment:

Samantha said...

You are absolutely right that we are missing out on the heights of awesomeness now that you are away. And I mean that.

However, hahahahahahahahahahaha you broke the dooooor!! Hahahahahaha!

And what kind of crappy ass bookstores do they have in Idaho? Jeez! If you need me to buy and ship you books, you just let me know.