I'm Kind of a Big Deal. Just FYI.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

You Are Cordially Invited To My Pity Party

What is wrong with me????????????? After nine years, laid off. After two weeks...two weeks of praising...I'm let go and on the next plane out. Really? Can people tell me what I'm doing wrong? I get great feedback...and then I'm let go?? Not even a chance to fix what is wrong after two weeks?? I'm told I am a wonderful person and I have a great heart and I fit in that aspect, but I leave my glass in a room and I'm out?

Granted, I was not going to come back a meat eating Christian who was all touchy feely. I was more than willing to come back a better version of myself, but not a different version. Surprisingly, with all my flaws, I love who I am and have become in the past few years and I'm not willing to sacrifice that. I love me....maybe that's part of this whole 'masculine' woman business...seriously, do I not wear enough dresses???

Anyway, I understand that the PA needs to be like family and fit in with all their beliefs. While they didn't say any of this outright...all i really got was that she thought I would be miserable because I am not organized since i leave glasses around and because i walk to answer a phone instead of sprinting. I mean, if you told me to sprint...I would have sprinted!!

But, I was thinking the night before that I wanted to quit, but decided I needed to give myself more time to see what it was about. But, really, I couldn't handle being told what I thought when it wasn't what I thought...and totally being told I had an Electra complex on the basis that I said I had a rough relationship with my mom and confided in my dad a lot. Really? Electra complex?? Can't be that my dad is the only one who listens, cares and keeps his mouth shut. Really? I also couldn't handle always being told I looked tired or hungry...or that I was sheltered because of my religious beliefs or not knowing about soaking nuts. I am vegan, for goodness sakes! not part of the raw movement!!

So maybe in the end, I got what I wanted. Although, now I am jobless, homeless, furnitureless and self esteemless. I have no idea what I will be good at since I apparently can't keep a job. I think I am going to be a hermit. At least then I would be self employed.

The moral of the story is...life sucks and then you die. And no matter how good you are or how hard you try, bad things are always bound to happen. So here's my plan to remedy this...I am now going to be uber-feminine, have babies, not even try to work, find some oaf to support me and sit in front of my tv with bon bons and watch Oprah, Tyra, and Dr. Phil, who I will learn to love somehow. At least in this scenario any hurt can be lessened by a good ice creamy dessert and watching people who's lives suck worse than mine on tv.

Thank you for coming to my pity party. Please don't forget to take your party favors (a bottle of 2 buck, a pint of soy ice cream and a subscription to O) on your way out.

No worries, positive "I'm going to make it through this!!" Sarah will be back sometime this week.

1 comment:

Samantha said...

Let it aaaalllllll out. Because I'm going to be super honest: what happened to you sucks major balls, and it was unjustified and unfair and you in no way deserved it. BUT, we ALL know how frickin' amazing and talented you are, and you know it too, so there is going to be very little time in which we entertain this kind of thinking and talk. You are too good to be in a funk for more than like a couple days, and after that, you are going to get up, and get the best job you've ever had. And then we can all be happy and optimistic about life and the future.
So put aside your bon bon fantasies (where would you find vegan bon bons, anyway?) and get excited because your life is going to rule very soon. If for no other reason than because you'll be living next door to me again!