I'm Kind of a Big Deal. Just FYI.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Breaking The Circle

It has recently been called to my attention that circles have been removed from our adult lives (read Manther's blog for my details)...and this got me to thinking that no matter how comforting and easy circles can be, sometimes we have to break them.

My current unemployment predicament has one part of me freaking out and on the verge of ripping ever dyed and semi perfectly groomed hair out of my head. But there is another part of me that is loving this Independence. I can go wherever I want and do whatever I want, and there isn't a lot holding me back. I am jobless, homeless and single. So if I want to claim unemployment and move to Costa Rica to learn how to surf and play guitar...I can! (Thank you RyRy!) Of course, I'm a little more practical than that...lame. I need to embrace my hippyness a little more. But my point is, as craptastic as my journey has been lately...I have options. I still have a smile on my face, I still have skills, and if all else fails Yelena and Bertha will get me a pole and some tassels and I can strip my way into riches.

So I have decided I have to break my circle. I can't just take a job because I need a job. No more Casa's...no more personal assistant positions. I refuse to compromise myself. I WILL take a low paying job even as an admin assistant if it means I will learn something that will bring me to my ultimate goal, but I will not take a job just for a paycheck.

In less than a week of being laid off, I have had two calls for interviews. I never got called back when I had a job, so this is quite promising. After talking to the hiring managers on the phone, neither job was something I would be happy in. So I turned the interviews down...do you know how good that felt?? AMAZING! I realize practice is important...but I am not spending $25 in gas to go to an interview for a job that I would be unhappy in for a company that potentially tests on animals when I could spend that on lattes so I can check out hot baristas while I hunt for a better job online.

I know what I'm doing, kids...and this time around I am going to be happy doggoneit!


Sares, the girl who WILL have it all

1 comment:

Samantha said...

Hell yeah, you will have it all!
