I'm Kind of a Big Deal. Just FYI.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sarah, Seamstress Extraordinare, Strikes Again!

I have been feeling entirely too unproductive, so tonight I decide to pop in a few DVDs and sew to my little hearts content.
Vanessa's sister Erika, who is incredibly stylish and absolutely wonderful, has been taking cello lessons. Vans and Erika also happen to have a thing for Italy and are two of the biggest "foodies" I know. So I decided to take some of Erika's loves and combine them into a shirt.
I cut some lemon fabric into the shape of a cello to create a "limoncello." Get it? Good play on words if I do say so myself.
Here are some photos of Erika's "Limoncello" shirt:

The "Limoncello" Detail:

The Top Corner Hearts Detail:

I also made Tina a Halloween shirt. This was a bit easier since I just cut a pin-up out of some fabric I bought. I know, it's not that creative to just cut something out, but I am TERRIBLE at cutting...so it was somewhat of a feat for me. Seriously, I used to get bad marks in Kindergarten for my sub-par cutting and pasting skills.

Here Is Tina's Halloween Shirt:

Pin-Up Detail:

Pumpkin Detail (This One I Actually Did Draw and Cut Myself...So I'm Not a Total Sell-Out :)
Sleeve Button Detail:

And that was how I spent my evening. Old Gregg Shirt Coming Soon...

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