I'm Kind of a Big Deal. Just FYI.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Well, Hello There.

So I've been flying and flying and packing and unpacking. So far so good, but a little nerve-racking.  I have no idea if I will be able to handle all of this responsibility on my own, but I hope I hope I hope.

I know there is a commie midget out there who is upset that there are no pics attached to my new posts; however, you must realize I have no time to take or upload photos...except when I am asked to for professional reasons. But as soon as I am comfortable and have some photo ops, I will def. attach them. 

Also the the midge, the dogs love me. I walked one around in San Francisco today and then on the way to the airport the other gave me lots and lots of kisses and fell asleep in my lap. So there! 

Random shout out to Samantha-Suddenly Seymour is in my head right now.

Anyhow, I am having a grand ol' time, but I'm super sad every time I hear of fun stuff everyone is doing :( I am also starting to feel like this blog is a little pointless, since I can't really write about a lot that is going on :(

But I miss you all tons and will try to post pics soon.


Samantha said...

*Swoon* My Moranis in his prime...

The blog is not pointless. It's just nice for us to know that you are doing well (stressed though you may be) and also to hear where you've been and where you are going.

I've said it once and I'll say it again: You are going to do an amazing job.
You are a very smart, very capable individual and they are lucky to have you.

I miss you bunches and bunches!

Unknown said...

I agree with Samantha, just take it one day at a time, you're going to do great, because you are great!

And please do keep the blogs coming, as you're cracking me up! Continue to have fun with it, as refective in the way you're talking about your experience thus far. I look forward to your adventures.


P.S. and if Michael Buble is ever within 2 feet of you, you better tell me and Yelena!!!!