I'm Kind of a Big Deal. Just FYI.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Cha Cha Cha Changes

Guess it's time to turn and face the strain...
After years of soul searching, I felt like I finally found my niche. I have the most perfect 1930's apartment in the best location. With a mere hop, skip and a jump, I could knock on my fabulous new neighbors' door and ask for a cup of sugar, or better yet a few tablespoons of vegan Worcestershire.
I had finally made the decision to go vegan and had the support of some amazing friends with weekly vegan dinner parties shared over wine and good conversation. These gatherings not only kept me dairy and pesticide free, but for God's sake they kept me civilized!
On top of this, my life is finally filled with friends who challenged and stimulated me in a variety of ways. Whether it was conversation over a book, an art piece, the penguin revolt in Antarctica or how to balance a gnome on a statue at Disneyland, my brain cells finally got the boot campesque exercise they deserved!
Not to mention, I have a plethora of hot men who always want to fondle my twins and dance with me. Of course, I will simply ignore the fact that they are checking out the nearby go go boy while we're droppin' it like it's hot.
And then, as usual, when your life is a comfortable as extra fuzzy footie pajamas, the shit inevitably hits the fan. My shit manifested itself in the form of the elimination of my position at work. Of course my initial reaction was something similar to Alice when she floods Wonderland with her tears.
Then the gods shone their psychedelic black lights down on me and I realized that I was finally reclaiming my soul from the clutches of that hell hole and the future was mine, mine, mine!!
And, I swear, that attitude will bring you the greatest joy in the roughest of times. I sat myself in front of my laptop daily and I e-mailed and e-mailed and faxed and faxed, and I sent my resume to every known company from here to, well, Sunland, California.
Finally, karma returned some good fortune to me in the form of a referral for a personal assistant position. Within a week, the job was offered to me and now I have a mere two weeks to pack up my life and scuttle off to Palm Springs for chance of a limetime.
And now I come to the dilemma. From the ashes of my horrible situation rises this incredible opportunity that will afford me ability to see the world while working my tookus off. But, now I have to leave my perfect apartment, my wonderful friends, and the deliciousness of lavender lemonade from Cafe Chloe whenever my little heart desires it.
And while my little heart goes pitter patter at the thought of the adventure that lies ahead, I can't help but wonder....is there life after Hillcrest?


Zeus said...

WoW! How S&TC of you!! I expect updates at least three times per week.....at LEAST.

Dickles the Magnificent said...

I think it's rad. I know you can do whatever you want to do.