I'm Kind of a Big Deal. Just FYI.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

My Fantasy Boy Toy Harem-In Response to Samantha's

Samantha and I often argue over who has stranger taste in men. She blogged about her harem of celeb crushes of oddness and hotness, so I thought I would blog mine. After thinking long and hard, I thought of a few good ones...but lord knows I have many more crushes. Also, after compiling my list...I must concede, for Samantha Love Hewitt does have weirder taste. We must make her a trophy for weirdest crushes. Perhaps a bronze figure combining features of Rick Moranis, Bob Saget and John Goodman.

But, you can be your own judge of who is stranger. Here is my list: 

 Remind anyone of a certain barista? 
I see Samantha's Bob Saget & raise her an Uncle Jesse! 
Have Mercy!

Just be glad I didn't go into classic cinema actors...this already entirely too long list would have been ginormous

Saturday, June 28, 2008

It's Been A Hard Day's Night

I just finished a 20 hour workday involving lots of flying, errand running, and general doggie hijinks.

I started in the desert and 7am and then flew to San Diego. For the past few days people keep commenting that I look tired or I look hungry, etc, etc and I generally don't feel what they are describing me as. I find it generally frustrating as I don't want to appear worn when I still have a bundle of energy. I try to convey this, but it seems to fall on deaf ears. Today I didn't wear much make-up, just mascara. My boss thought I looked like I was crying and the housekeeper agreed. What is this? I was fine!! Am I just generally tired, hungry and sad looking without the aid of of poof of powder and a schmear of blush?? This just makes me sad. I am like the ugly duckling who just wants to be the kick ass swan who not only can, but looks ready, to handle any given situation. Top item on my grocery list...some form of miracle eye cream. Any suggestions??

Then we fly to my hometown of San Diego. Flying over downtown skyscrapers and the beauty of SD broke my heart a little bit, and driving past where I used to live almost brought a tear to my eye, which certainly couldn't happen after the morning catastrophe!

I ran around all day between La Jolla, Point Loma and Hillcrest. La Estancia, upscale dog boutiques, costco, The Brigantine, some quaint mediterranean bistro, etc. etc. etc.  I finally had a moment to meet up with my long lost Hillcrest loves when I had to run to the Hillcrest Whole Foods to buy some Sigg water bottles for my boss, which are apparently a hot commodity because there aren't many left at the La Jolla or Hillcrest Whole Foods. Anyway, called the Hillcrest locals, but alas, they were all busy going to dinner at Sushi Deli. Sigh and a little jealousy running through my lonely veins. What I would give for a shauna roll (minus the cream cheese of course!) and a seaweed salad!! But, I understand. Sushi Deli does involve a long wait and some pretty strict rules too...so can't be mad just v. v. sad. Anyway stayed in SD til midnightish. Stopped at In and Out first, which is a stressful, busy day ritual. I was told I would have to find something I could eat there because it is a total ritual. I settled on some yummy fries. Mmmm...

Anyhow, flew out of Palomar Airport, which was purdy cool. Got into Idaho around 3:30am. Got to the house a little after 4am. Unpacked the car and then logged on to my computer to check on my long lost loves and update ya'll. 

Get to sleep in til noon after a crazy 20 hour day. Yay!! Then I think tomorrow is supposed to be kinda kick back...double yay. Maybe I will explore Idaho!!!

Thursday, June 26, 2008


I miss you, your cheekbones, and your kitty who wants to steal my soul and eat my face!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Happy Birthday Tina!! I love you almost as much as you loved 'Nsync at 17.

Ramblings of A Mad Woman

Holy Bejesus!! Picture this...you just got off a 12 hour work day. You have absolutely no food and need something so your stomach stops going "grrr...raaarrrrr...rrrrrgg" So you stop by Ralphs because no good whole food type stores are open at almost 10pm. 

So you're shopping, you're browsing...no vegan veggie burgers....no dairy free ice cream (totally jonesing for some sugary sweetness to keep me going)...wait...wait. Raw nuts! Yay! Something finally. Then you make your way to the cracker aisle and your phone goes...


Or perhaps it plays a lovely Kate Nash melody as it did in my case. So you look down and you see it's Vans!! Yayayayyy!! She hasn't answered my calls or texts in days!! Not since she got her new phone! 

So you pick up and lo and behold...Vans must have some bad chocolate souffle or something because she sounds like a middle aged cholo.

Wait...this isn't Vans...holy shit. More holy shits come when he starts asking why I've been calling his son and sending him text messages. I apologize and explain my friend just got a new number. All is well in chololand.

But then, immediately as I hang up, I realize I sent Vans a text that def. contained the word orgasm! Tarnations! I may have corrupted a young child with my hussy speak or sailor swearing. Oh no!! 

Anyway, I miss my kitchen and cooking fresh veggies and lovely dinners almost every night. Basically, I am living off of dry toast, bananas, apples, raw almonds and carrot sticks...which Daisy crawled into my purse and stole today. I'm pretty sure I don't want to kill my bosses dog with a carrot stick which is almost as big as her itty bitty puppy body. Luckily, I was able to add the healthiness :) of double stuffed peanut butter oreos to my diet today. Yum yum. Too bad I really want some Newman Ginger O's. Poooooooooo!!

Quick...someone fed ex me some Cafe Chloe lavendar lemonade and a Peet's iced soy vanilla latte complete with magically delicious barista.

Thank you and good night!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Good Gosh

I'm tired. 

Monday, June 23, 2008

Well, Hello There.

So I've been flying and flying and packing and unpacking. So far so good, but a little nerve-racking.  I have no idea if I will be able to handle all of this responsibility on my own, but I hope I hope I hope.

I know there is a commie midget out there who is upset that there are no pics attached to my new posts; however, you must realize I have no time to take or upload photos...except when I am asked to for professional reasons. But as soon as I am comfortable and have some photo ops, I will def. attach them. 

Also the the midge, the dogs love me. I walked one around in San Francisco today and then on the way to the airport the other gave me lots and lots of kisses and fell asleep in my lap. So there! 

Random shout out to Samantha-Suddenly Seymour is in my head right now.

Anyhow, I am having a grand ol' time, but I'm super sad every time I hear of fun stuff everyone is doing :( I am also starting to feel like this blog is a little pointless, since I can't really write about a lot that is going on :(

But I miss you all tons and will try to post pics soon.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Start of Something New

So here I am...second day on the job. I love it. I love, love, love it! Granted I haven't gotten to do much yet, but the opportunity to work with such kind, friendly, loving and dynamic people is beyond believable to me. 

I've been told of all these incredible places I will be going in the next few months and even though I know I will be working like crazy, I am so excited.

Can I tell you the first big thing I had to do when arriving in Idaho? I had to drive a gynormo truck in this town I am unfamiliar with. Let me tell you, it ain't no Yaris.  When I told them all about how small my beloved Eggbert is...they said get used to it. Apparently, I will be driving all sorts of things. God help us all.

Anyway, I cannot express how much I miss everyone...and Peet's. Although, there was a Peet's in the Palm Desert airport this morning. Oh yeah, Palm Springs was 120 degrees when I left this morning. Ridiculous! And then I flew to Salt Lake City for a layover. I was fascinated by this woman who had her son on a leash. He was everywhere. And she would pull that little spunky punk so hard and he would go flying. Not sure how humane that is at all...made me feel really bad for all the doggies who get pulled on :( It also solidified that fact that children are more fun to look at than to actually have :)

Back to the missing. I do miss you all tons. But, I am sooooo stoked that Vans finally got more minutes and Verizon! We totally chatted over a Disney channel movie last night. She likes the Jonas brother who doesn't wear tight pants...oh wait! They all do!! So are they like the new 'Nsync or what? Makes me chuckle at Tina and I and spending a fortune on those concerts. Then I think about how she was swooning for Justin and how I was ga ga over some older boy who served us ice cream beforehand. Totally invited us to a kegger. Oh, Ty you sexy beast! I think some teenier boppers tried to fight us over him too. Ohhh to be seventeen again.

I will try to keep in touch as much as possible. There will probably be stories of my misadventures driving a hummer. I'm a little afraid they will make me drive in England or somewhere that involves the other side of the street. If you know me, my coordination and sense of direction...you know this is bad news bears! And speaking of London, there are totally roundabouts in Palm Desert. I just don't know about that!!

With all these big cars and weird streets, I can't help but wonder, would it be inappropriate to hum the Indiana Jones song while driving a Hummer? Especially if other people are in the car?
Miss you all! Hugs and kisses! 

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Bye Bye San Diego!!

Bye friends! You made living in San Diego the best and I love you all!! I will miss you lots and lots....but you haven't seen the last of me. Muahahahahaha!!

Fun With Tony Robbins Doll

Thank You Samantha For Making The Coolest Doll Ever!! Everyone...Buy Samantha Dolls!! She Can Make Them Look Just Like You. Ask Me How!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

For Peet's Sake!

I'm going to miss my barista lover. I know Samantha was sorely disappointed that I didn't up my flirting...and I'm a little sad that I may have missed my chance. But, who knows? Maybe upping my game would have tarnished his perfection in my eyes. Perhaps he's just one of those things I'll always miss and love about San Diego and it's better to have his perfection live on in spirit.


Monday, June 16, 2008